San Francisco
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
The Bay Area Vision Zero System

Create a Vision Zero Insights Dashboard

This tool allows anyone to generate a dashboard for any custom Area of Interest within any of the 9 counties that make up the Bay Area or Metropolitan Transportation Commission region. Each dashboard has the same content, but will have data that applies to the specific boundary selected by a user. The information in each dashboard includes:

This service is provided by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission free of charge to stakeholders in the Bay Area, and there is no limit on the number of dashboards that can be generated. All dashboards will take a few minutes to create and will be delivered by email.

How to generate your custom Vision Zero Dashboard:

  1. (Optional) Toggle map overlays on or off. Map overlays include layers such as Equity Priority Communities, Points of Interest, and the Regional High Injury Networks. These overlays are for reference only and will not impact your dashboard.
  2. (Optional) Search for a specific location using the search box in the upper-right corner.
  3. Define your area of interest using one of the following drawing tools:
    • Multi-select: This option will allow you to select one or more pre-defined geographies, such as a census tract, place (the equivalent of a city or town), or county. Use the dropdown menu in the upper-right corner to show outlines for a different geographic level. While multiple geographies may be selected, those geographies will be merged into a single area of interest.
    • Polygon: This tool allows you to draw each vertex of any custom shape.
    • Radius: This tool allows you to draw a circle around a point with a specified distance.
    Note: A warning will appear if the shape you have drawn is too small or too large.
  4. Press the "Request Dashboard" button and fill out the fields under the Generate Dashboard form that pops up.
  5. Agree to the Terms of Use and click Submit
  6. A link to your dashboard will be sent to the email address you provided.